Can You Paint Siding?
Can You Paint Vinyl Siding?
Every house owner dreams of building their own dream house. But the solution to this problem is quite expensive, especially when it comes to painting their house. The sidings of the house are the most ignored part when it comes to painting.
With the advancement of technology, especially in painting the house, our dreams get a new color. Previously painting the sidings of the house was an expensive affair. But homeowners now have inexpensive options to give their house their dream look.
With the changing of the situation, this guide puts forward some of the basics of painting a house’s siding.

Can You Paint Siding? Yes, If You Do It Right
Formulation of paint
Over the years, the formulation of paints has changed with the change in customer preferences and needs. Paints for deciding needs to have and unique formulation.
The paint, which is too hard on the sidings, will not withstand the heat or rain. However, choosing paint with the formulation of latex urethane can be a perfect solution. This method will provide long-term benefits to your dream home.
Formulation of this kind of paint has started by several paint companies. This gives a whole solution to your sidings. Although the paint is done on the house situated at higher altitudes, the material’s contraction can expose the unpainted sidings.
Can Siding be Painted? 5 Factors to Consider
Before painting the sidings, one must keep in mind certain factors. The five key factors concerning the paint of sidings are discussed below.
Durability and integrity
When the house is ready for a facelift, we consider two paint sidings. Painting can act as a defense to the exterior of the house. One should check for any damage from pests or moisture overtime before painting the sidings. Before painting or installing the sidings, the professional contractor should correct all the problems to provide a long-term benefit.
The color of the siding must depend on the house color and the siding brand. A darker color can be a reason for the underneath wrapping of the lighter siding. The professionals generally recommend using a lighter color or similar to the color of the present siding. Some of the companies nowadays offer more than 30 colors which are considered safe to paint the siding.
Coloring the sightings is a never-ending process. It requires painting every 5 to 6 years. If the house gets exposed to moisture or extreme sunlight, the house owner should consider repainting the house sidings. This can quickly build up the cost of painting the sidings.
The addition of insulation is a great technique to provide coolness to your house. It keeps the heat out of the bay. Companies are now introducing sidings that have permanent insulation attached. This improves the appearance of the house with long-lasting durability and conserves energy. But painting the old siding will not provide you with any advantage of insulation.
Warranty is a factor that the siding manufacturers do not consider if one paints the sidings. One should be alert to some warranty that comes along with the paint. As paint provides a low-cost option to every house sidings, when the siding’s warranty is no longer valid, one can consider painting.
Specifications For Painting Siding
Painting a siding comes with various specifications. Cleaner siding is easier to paint than worn-out sidings. When the sliding is worn out, or the original color fades, one must consider coating the siding with a coat of primer. This will ensure a clean look and prevent looking porus.
House owners can prefer to use a sprayer to apply the topcoat of the paint. But it requires an amount of back brushing, so it is best to use vinyl. Solving some of the guidelines can provide cost-effective solutions for the paint renewal of the siding.
Sittings are intolerant to darker colors if the current stone consists of a lighter shade. The heat of the environment gets observed and wraps the siding if the paint is darker in color.
Sometimes deciding needs to be cleaned to maintain the fresh look of the house. It is recommended that one clean the sightings with 1 gallon of water, one-third cup of laundry detergent and two-thirds cups of household cleaning powder, and 1 quart of liquid bleach. One must free this mixture to the sidings and scrub gently with a soft-bristled brush. Once it is done, rinse with water and allow the sidings to dry.
Weather can affect the sidings as it is situated at the exterior part of the house. Hot and humid climate, as well as windy weather, create problems for the sidings. So the house owner should prefer favorable weather for painting or work on the sidings.
One must paint the sidings of their house according to the instruction that has been provided. This will ensure a healthy siding of your house and make sure that the siding’s longevity increases. Maintaining these simple specifications while painting the sidings can provide the house owner with an everlasting renewal solution to their dream house.
Steps For Painting Siding
As mentioned above, one should start painting the sidings of the house when the weather is favorable. This will give long-lasting paint to your sidings.
Once you select a proper day, it is now time to select the proper paint. To expand the durability of your siding, you must consider colors containing urethane resins and acrylics. These two ingredients play a part in the contraction and expansion of vinyl, ensuring the paint stick’s coating perfectly.
Nonetheless, it is needless to say that if you want to keep your home cool and comfortable, then you must go for a lighter color to paint your siding. This will prevent the heat from getting trapped. Once you do this, you can shy away from all the maintenance problems for at least five years.
When you are ready with the proper color now, it is time to prepare the painting’s surface. The professional requirements to clean the surface before any paint job retain the quality of the siding’s paint and durability. Homeowners must ensure that the sidings are free from chalky buildup, mildew, mold, or any debris from the surface. If the sidings are not clear, one can use the cleaning method discussed above in this guide.
Once you clear all the clutter, you must prime the sidings of the house. Priming the sidings is necessary once the original color of the sightings has become porous or pitted. If the original color of the siding has not worn out, you can leave out this step.
Once the primary dry out, you can coat your sidings with the color of your choice. Applying two coats will be more than sufficient. But if you still want the color to look prominent, you can go for the third coat once the second coat dries off.
These steps might sound easier. But while doing the job, it might take a large amount of time and effort. The best part of this laborious job is you don’t have to worry about coloring the siding for ten long years once you do it correctly for the first time.
Painting siding comes with its own advantages and disadvantages. But whatever the case may be, if you can determine the correct paint for your siding, you can maximize the longevity and durability of your house as well as the paint.
House owners out there – be alert! It might just take a fresh coat of paint to give your house an element of decoration. Keep in mind the safety and comfortability of painting the sidings. It would be best if you did not compromise the integrity of your house sidings.